Category: 2025 Season

Eau Claire Rivermen Fold, Whitehall Re-Enter CRBL

The Eau Claire Rivermen, formerly the Chippewa Falls Lumberjacks, have folded and will not return for the 97th year of Chippewa River Baseball League (CRBL) baseball. The Rivermen moved from Chippewa in 2017. Whitehall has been re-instated into CRBL play after folding in 2021 with a new name. Formerly the Whitehall Wolves, who began CRBL play in 2005, this version will be called the Whitetails.

The Whitehall squad will replace the Eau Claire Rivermen in the south division.

Manager Nick Steig will lead the Whitetails onto the field, while Chad McCune will act as general manager and player personal for Whitehall.

CRBL Off-Season Meetings

The Chippewa River Baseball League (CRBL) annual meeting with be held on Saturday, January 18th at the Whispering Pines Golf Course in Cadott — 12 pm start time.

The CRBL scheduling meeting is slated for February 2. Location and time to be determined.